Injured Brains Deserve Specialized Care

Neuroscience-informed Insights That Help You Win

Forensic Brain Expertise
When Brain Injury occurs, sometimes there's a legal conflict involved. Today's health care system was designed to diagnose and treat disease, yet legal entanglements introduce levels of complexity that can result in a lack of access by victims to proper care. People with Neurological injuries often are ignored and marginalized for this reason, leading to missed opportunities to restore function and improve quality of life.
We are here to help injured people to get back on their feet. Common conditions we see include:​​
Traumatic brain injury
Toxic exposures
Cognitive and emotional traumatic impairment
Soft tissue injury
Chronic regional pain syndrome
Various other forms of nervous system damage
The effects of negligent care
Associated substance use disorder
In addition to Neurological Care, we also are available to the legal industry for the following services:​
Independent Medical Examinations
Medical Legal Case Reviews
Strategy Sessions
Attorney Medical-Legal Education
Discovery - Depositions
Court Testimony and Trial Consulting
Trial and Jury Selection Support
“Doctor Stat” Membership Access