Dr. Drew W. Edwards
NeuroCoach & Behavioral Health Expert in
Addiction and Nutrition


For nearly 25 years Dr. Drew Edwards has been at the forefront of behavioral and addiction medicine as a clinician, researcher, educator and author. Dr Drew began his career working with addicted teens and their families in Minnesota. There he experienced first-hand the tragedy and the triumph of addiction treatment. Since then, Drew has dedicated his life to advancing our scientific understanding of the risk factors, co-occurring conditions and treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders.
A nationally recognized expert in the epidemiology and neurobiology of Addictive Disease and Brain Reward Deficiency, Dr. Edwards is a prolific writer, publishing original research on depression and chronic disease, and authoring over 250 peer-reviewed scientific papers, academic chapters, clinical practice guidelines, continuing medical education (CME’s) trainings for physicians, as well as popular articles and features for public consumption. Dr. Edwards has also written books for parents on childhood depression and instilling “real” self-esteem in children.
Dr. Drew is the former Director of Psychiatry and Assistant Clinical Professor at the Medical College of Georgia. He previously served as Associate Director of Psychiatry at the University of Florida, College of Medicine, where he provided clinical instruction for medical residents and postdoctoral fellows in the Division of Addiction Medicine. In addition, Dr. Edwards is a forensic expert on the genetics and neurobiology of addictive disease, providing expert testimony regarding the effects of drugs and alcohol on the brain and behavior for capital cases.
Graduating from the University of Minnesota, Dr. Drew earned his Master of Science degree from the University of North Florida and completed his Doctoral work at Nova Southeastern University. He speaks at conferences throughout the United States on Brain Reward Deficiency, Addictive Disease, Trauma, Suicide, Obesity,
Parenting, and Youth Culture.